2020-2021 Financial assistance for education expenses
Assessment Simulator
Aide financière aux études

Independence criteria

The information you provide in this section is used to determine your student category.

  • Student with parental contribution
  • Student without parental contribution
  • Student with spousal contribution

You need to check all boxes that correspond to your situation. Please note that the number of affirmations on this page depends on the marital status you reported in the General Information section. For example, if you reported your status as married, only one affirmation will be displayed, while if you reported your status as single, nine affirmations will be displayed.


Self-support criteria based on time in the labour market
In order to be recognized as independent on the basis of time in the labour market, you need to have been in one or both of the following situations for a total of at least 24 months without having simultaneously been a full-time student (If both, the periods must total 24 consecutive months):

  • You were a salaried employee or self-employed or received employment insurance benefits or Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) or income replacement indemnities (CNESST, SAAQ, Retraite Québec, RPC, EDSC, MIFI, etc.).
  • You supported yourself while living elsewhere than with your parents or sponsor.

A spouse is someone that lives conjugally with another person of the same or opposite sex outside a civil union or marriage and lives with at least one child (their own or their spouse’s).

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